Terms of Use

Terms and conditions Privacy statement YourTravelsHome is committed to protecting and respecting the confidentiality of the personal data you entrust to us. This document contains important information about how we use the collected data. It describes how we collect, use, process and transmit the data you give us when you access and use our booking system. Those who access and use our booking system will hereinafter be referred to as "users". We invite users to carefully read this document called the "Privacy Statement". The user expresses his will freely and voluntarily regarding the provision of his personal data or those of third parties to the YourTravelsHome accommodation. By the phrases "booking system", "booking engine", "system", "website", "platform", "application", "web application", "services", "online services", we refer to all online pages and services with which we operate on the website https://yourtravelshome.com/, except where provided for as such. By accessing the platform and providing us with your data, you agree to what is stipulated in our Privacy Statement as described in this document. The statement may change from time to time, so we advise you to check accordingly to be sure you are aware of the latest version. Terms used By the terms "we", "our, our, our, our", we refer to YourTravelsHome accommodation. Data Controller: YourTravelsHome operates the booking system through a data processor as explained below. According to GDPR regulations, the accommodation unit is the data controller and the one who determines the purpose and means with which the data processing is carried out. YourTravelsHomeCompany: Address: Bucharest, Tache Ionescu 1 Data processor YourTravelsHome operates the reservation system for the YourTravelsHome Accommodation and is committed to protecting the confidentiality of data provided by users of the system. YOURTRAVELSHOME is the data processor. YOURTRAVELSHOME is empowered by YourTravelsHome to process the data on its behalf. YOURTRAVELSHOME Address: Bucharest, Str. Tache Ionescu, Nr. 1CUI: YOURTRAVELSHOME is a hotel management tool used by those who own and/or manage accommodation units to allow users to make and manage online reservations. This document refers to the processing by YOURTRAVELSHOME of personal data collected by accommodation units using the YOURTRAVELSHOME reservation system. 1. What kind of personal data is requested from users Accommodation units that use YOURTRAVELSHOME as a booking engine or management software collect and store the information that users provide when making a reservation. They are asked for their name, address, telephone number and email address, financial data to execute the payment when making pre-payment, and the names of guests travelling with them. This may also include your IP address. This information is necessary, mandatory (unless otherwise specified in the dedicated fields) to operate the request made by the user and is stored in the YOURTRAVELSHOME system in order to process the reservation. If the user refuses to provide them, the request cannot be executed. Users can be contacted by those managing the accommodation regarding the reservation. Their personal data is also stored after their stay, but will only be kept for as long as necessary in accordance with legal obligations. 2. Personal data processed directly by third parties If users provide financial information (bank card data), it will be processed directly by providers who have PCI level 1 certifications (euplatesc.ro, paypal, autorize.net). 3. Personal data of third parties (reservations for companions, friends, family members, etc.) In the event that the user provides the data to a third party, it is presumed that he has his consent and that he has transmitted to him the information in this Privacy Statement, the controller and data processor being exonerated from any responsibility in this regard. However, we may carry out additional checks, adopting appropriate measures in accordance with the legislation in force. 4. Purpose of use of personal data Depending on user requests, the collected data will be processed for the following purposes: - Administration of reservations made, including payment (when applicable) and management of requests and preferences expressed by the user - Administering user enrollment in loyalty programs and obtaining membership - Contacting users with the purposes listed here - Sending personalized commercial offers by electronic means if the user has given his/her consent - Administration of additional services - Conducting surveys and evaluations on the quality of services offered 5. Duration of retention of personal data The data is retained for the period of time necessary to achieve the objectives listed above, unless they are needed for a longer period, and this is allowed by law or unless the user requests their deletion, withdrawing his consent. The criteria to determine the duration are: - The period of time during which the user has a relationship with the data controller within which he provides services (for example, the period during which the user has an account in the reservation system or the period during which he uses the services or the period prior to the stay) - Where there is a legal obligation (certain laws require the data controller to retain transactional data for a certain period of time before having permission to delete it) 6. Use of users' social media accounts In the event of registration or login through a user account of a social network platform, we may collect and access various information from the user's profile on that social network for internal administrative purposes and/or the purposes indicated above. 7. Security procedures In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), YOURTRAVELSHOME ensures the reasonable fulfillment of the necessary procedures to prevent unauthorized access and misuse of personal data. We use appropriate systems and procedures to protect and keep information transmitted to us secure. We also employ technical and security procedures and physical restrictions to prevent access to and use of personal data on our servers. Only authorised personnel have access to personal data only during the performance of their duties. The data shall be processed in such a way as to ensure its security and to combat the risk of being unlawfully altered, lost, processed or accessed, depending on the nature of the technology, the information stored and the risks to which it is exposed. 8. Control and rights of users over personal data Users have the right to access the data stored by the accommodation units where they have made reservations via the YourTravelsHome system. In order to do this, contact the accommodation unit where they made the reservation through the YOURTRAVELSHOME system. Users have the right to request the deletion of the data provided at any time. Users have the right to modify any incomplete or invalid data. Users have the right to request the deletion of data when it is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected and stored. Users have the right to confirm the revocation of consent. Users have the right to obtain limitation of data processing when conditions regarding the regulations of personal data processing allow it. Users have the right to request the porting of their data. Users will also be informed that they can file a complaint regarding the protection of their personal data with the competent authorities at any time. 9. Reviews, ratings, feedback Users may be asked to provide an opinion on the quality of accommodation services once their stay ends in order to improve services. The user's email address will be used for this purpose. If they complete a review, it may be published on the accommodation's website, facebook, twitter or google plus page. No details of the user's identity will be published. The storage of users' information may be necessary to fulfil the Accommodation's obligations towards them. 10. Legitimate interest in processing user data We may use user information for legitimate purposes, such as administrative, fraud detection, or legal purposes. The processed data we request to fulfill the purposes listed above cannot be used without the user's consent. Also, if the user withdraws his consent, this will not affect the lawfulness of the previous processing of his data. In order to revoke the consent, the user must contact us through the aforementioned channels. Similarly, in those cases where it is necessary to process a user's data for the fulfilment of a legal obligation or for the execution of a contractual relationship between us and the user, the processing of the data will be legitimate as it is necessary to achieve those purposes. 11. Cookies The term "cookie" defines a small amount of information placed in the web browser on the computer or mobile device that users use. Cookies are used to facilitate the booking process and contain information such as the data searched for and the language in which the reservation is made. There is a difference between temporary and long-lasting cookies. Temporary ones will exist only until the web browser is closed. Long-lasting ones are used longer and are not automatically deleted when the browser is closed. We use long-term cookies in Google Analytica to analyze visitor traffic and behavior. By using the YOURTRAVELSHOME website or making reservations through YOURTRAVELSHOME, you consent to the use of cookies as described above. 12. Use of Services by Minors The Services are not directed at individuals under the age of 18 and we do not require them to provide personal data. 13. Disclosure of personal data Personal data will be used and disclosed in the following cases: - To comply with applicable laws, including the laws of the user's country of residence - To respond to a request in case of legal process - To respond to requests from government authorities, including authorities outside the user's country of residence, and to meet national security requirements - To enforce the terms and conditions - To protect the rights, privacy, safety of our data, users and third parties We may use and disclose Other Data for any purpose, except where current law does not allow it. In some cases, we may combine Other Data with personal data (for example, user name with location). If we do so, we will consider and treat data resulting from this combination as personal data for as long as the combination process is carried out. 14. User obligations The user guarantees that he is legally responsible, in full mental faculties and that the information provided is real, valid, complete and current. The user is solely responsible for the veracity of the communicated data and undertakes to update the information when necessary. The user undertakes to inform third parties whose personal data he provides, when applicable, of the information in this document. It also undertakes to obtain the approval of third parties regarding the provision of personal data for the purposes outlined above. The user is responsible for false or invalid information provided through the website and for any damage, direct or indirect, thus caused to us or third parties. General Terms & Conditions. Booking policy. Flexible & guaranteed There is no charge if cancelled 30 days prior to arrival. Non-refundable The total price of the reservation may be charged at any time after booking. Please note that if cancelled, modified or in case of no-show, the total price of the reservation will be charged.